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St Maccartans Primary School, Clogher

Shared Education Trip to Cultra

11th Nov 2016
Shared Education Trip to Cultra

Miss Monaghan, Jennifer and P3/4 headed off on a Shared Education Trip with Augher Central and Carntall Primary Schools on 21st October 2016.  This was the culmination of six week's work on the topic of Transport with a main focus on trains.  Children from all three schools were divided into groups which comprised of children from each of the schools.  There was also a 'Stay and Play' day for the pupils and their parents.  These groups then visited each of the schools to engage in learning activities, which included World Around Us, Numeracy and Play-based Learning.

All children really enjoyed the exciting train journey from Portadown to Bangor, where they then explored the Transport Musuem.  They thoroughly enjoyed investigating the trains from the past.

The shared project was a great success and everyone liked making new friends along the way!!

The children were very busy designing and making their own train coasters during the topic of Travel and Transport. They used tiles, glue, grout and a board to form the finished product. I hope they are being put to good use at home!