Access Keys:

St Maccartans Primary School, Clogher


Mrs K Mc Ginn
Mrs K Mc Ginn

Mrs Mc Ginn is the Principal.  She also teaches P1 and has taught in Saint Macartan's for over 25 years. Mrs Mc Ginn is the PDMU/RSE CO-Ordinator and the Designated teacher for Child Protection.

Miss L Quinn
Miss L Quinn

Miss Quinn is our P1 Principal Release teacher.

Mrs A Mc Guinness
Mrs A Mc Guinness

Mrs Mc Guinness teaches P6 & 7 and has worked in our school since 2006. She is co-ordinator for Literacy, Assessment and Deputy Designated teacher for Child Protection. Mrs Mc Guinness also leads our brilliant school choir.

Miss E Monaghan
Miss E Monaghan

Miss Monaghan teaches P5 and co-ordinates Numeracy and The World Around Us throughout the school.  She is also the Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection.


Miss K Mc Connell
Miss K Mc Connell

Miss Mc Connell is currently teaching P2. She is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Miss Mc Connell is also an ambassador for all things Eco in our school.

Miss Leanne McKenna
Miss Leanne McKenna

Miss Leanne McKenna is our P3 and 4 teacher. She is also our expert in all things ICT and coordinates this subject throughout the school.  

Mrs Jennifer Donaldson
Mrs Jennifer Donaldson

Jennifer is currently the Primary 1 classroom assistant.  She also provides literacy intervention programmes throughout the school. Jennifer has worked in our school since 2000.

Mrs Wendy Campbell
Mrs Wendy Campbell

Wendy is our school secretary.


Mrs Alicia Mc Coole
Mrs Alicia Mc Coole

Alicia is our P6/7 classroom assistant. 

Brenda Mulrine
Brenda Mulrine

Brenda is a classroom assistant with Primary 2.  Brenda is also our Lunch time supervisor

Mrs Bridie McElroy
Mrs Bridie McElroy

Bridie is our P5 Classroom Assistant.

Mrs Leanne McKenna
Mrs Leanne McKenna

Leanne is our SEN classroom assistant.


Mairead Gartland
Mairead Gartland

Mairead joined our staff as a Classroom Assistant in September 2021 and is part of the SEN classroom assistant team.

Ciara Murphy
Ciara Murphy

Ciara joined our staff as a Classroom Assistant in September 2022 and is part of the SEN classroom assistant team.

Malachy Monaghan
Malachy Monaghan

Malachy is our caretaker and keeps our school spick and span!